What I've Learned Coaching Industry Leaders part 2.

Given the positive response on the first article, I’ve decided to write part 2 and go deeper into the mind/DNA of what makes a true industry leader tick.

First and foremost industry leaders are passionate and believe their product/service and ultimate success will change the world…It’s this core belief that fuels their drive, creativity and their persistence when no one else believes it’s possible. It’s also this passion and the gravity of their mission, that humbles them. True industry leaders are radically inclusive and collaborative, realizing it takes a “high performance team” to innovate and execute to stay on the leading edge.

Second, Industry leaders must Model > Coach > Require key behaviors for their Team.  Ever heard the quote, “more is caught than taught?” Your team will never consistently do the things you are unwilling to do, regardless, of how much you talk about it. Industry leaders “practice what they preach” and it becomes engrained in their daily habits. The vast majority of Industry Leaders I have worked with have made the shift from Directing others to Coaching others.

“There’s a reason the coaching industry is exploding, while consulting is dying.  It works. People prefer to generate their own solutions to their problems and to be their own change agents. Industry leaders build their capacity, by developing their Executive Team’s and their high potentials using a Coach approach.”

Once you’ve modeled and coached a “key behavior” you have earned the right to require it. But, don’t stop three feet from gold! Great leadership/high performing teams require personal, peer and organizational accountability. Become skilled at holding your team accountable in a positive and principled way. I’m a huge fan of Roger Connors and Tom Smith model – the Accountability Sequence in their book, How Did That Happen? 

If you’d like more information on Industry Leaders and or how you can take your leadership to the next level, simply Like > Comment > or Share and I’ll keep writing!