What I've Learned Coaching Top Producers Part 5

Build Your Personal Brand To an Ever Expanding Data Base of Prospects!

I commend those who called in last week. Asking for help is an essential element of integrity and to reaching your potential. Now for something a little sexier than accountability:

Top Producers Build Their Personal Brand to an Ever Expanding DataBase of Prospects: 

 I am shocked at how many bright, articulate professionals are missing this one. Seriously, this is your low hanging fruit and the bedrock foundation of all success! Your data base is your business.  And building a database by delighting prospects with a unique message containing valuable content is paramount.  But, I must tell you there’s nothing special or profound about having a newsletter/blog or presence on FaceBook.  However, there are some principles that when followed are guaranteed to grow your business in a sustainable manner with little investment on your part.

1. Sales will never out grow your data base     

I told you, this isn’t brain surgery…..However, less than 20% of professionals/corp sales people are not systematically growing their lists with a proven strategy.  The Top Producers I’ve worked with target at least 50% growth to their lists annually.  They have a written step by step plan for making that happen.

2. Every Person Has a Unique Voice

You might be thinking, this is the information age, what could I possibly add that is unique? It’s You silly, there’s only one You. People buy from people, not companies……No one really cares about what you do (the business/service) they care why you do it. Your life is a summation of experiences like no other. You have a community/client base right now that is dying to hear from you. In fact, unless you share it, they’ll never get it, period! By allowing your prospects to know you at a deeper, core value level, they will begin to resonate/trust you.                

3. Consistency is the Key!   

About 90% of all newsletters die on the vine before bearing fruit, leading many to believe it didn’t work! Now here this, I am going to say this one time: Newsletters/blogs take 90-120 days and about 12-20 posts before a reader begins to resonate with the author.  You shouldn’t expect any response at first……And the real cheese cake isn’t coming for three to five years. That’s right, that’s what being committed to this strategy looks like….But, hey the rewards are residual and last a lifetime. The power of having a readership is truly amazing.  When I was at Dearborn in the late 90’s, I wrote a daily newsletter to 12,000 and we were doing 200-250 online transactions a month.

Social Proof

I have a client in Atlanta who started a simple newsletter in 2004 with 100 names. He’s now up to 25,000 and is one of the top trainers in his industry. He can directly source code over a $Million/yr to his newsletter/blog.  He was able to launch a national business with 585 sales offices from his database marketing. I have a Palm Beach client that has grown from 300-names to 2600 in just two years. During that time the industry has tanked and he’s become the Top Producer in his office. He now gets 12-15 calls/emails every time he sends one out. He’s thriving in the worst market in 20-years! I worked with a guy in Houston Texas running a realestate/mortgage office. Just after the subprime market blew up, his volume was down about 70%. Using my newsletter strategy, he was able to build his purchase volume within 90-days to new all time highs.    

The Solution:

1. Develop a one page tactical plan for growing your email list

Think systems and delegation.  Hire a virtual assistant to grow double your list in the next 12-months.

For most, that’s simply adding a handful of names daily. Start with existing clients/prospects. Call them to say Hi and let them know you are updating your database.

2. Read Michael Port’s Book Yourself Solid and do his work book template on Building Your Personal brand  

3. Create a content schedule going out 12-16 weeks

Begin with the end in mind. What are you wanting prospects to do?  Develop a product model and move clients from your opt-in list to the next logical offerring. For many it’s about a complimentary session. For others it is a trial offerring.  For some it may be a white paper.

If  you’d like some help building your personal brand to an ever expanding database, Schedule Complimentary Coaching session with me today! In this 30-minute no strings attached conversation, I will seek to add more value than you get in an entire weekend seminar!

Next week, I will share how Top Producers maintain an abundant mindset despite worsening market conditions. Stay tuned!